Once Upon a Time ajunge la final…

Once upon a time…
…and they lived happily ever after.

După multe zvonuri şi speculaţii iată că este oficial, povestea Once ajungând la final la sfârşitul sezonului 7.

Lansat în toamna lui 2011, devenind rapid un hit şi formându-şi una din cele mai puternice comunităţi de fani din ultimii ani, Once Upon a Time prezinta o incursiune modernă în lumea poveștilor copilăriei, invitând privitorul în Storybrooke, Maine, un orășel în care realitatea se confundă cu mitul, unde poți întâlni personaje ca Albă-ca-Zăpada, Făt-Frumos, Regina Malefică, Căpitanul Hook, Rumplestiltskin și alți eroi sau anti-eroi cunoscuți din poveștile clasice. În cele din urmă, serialul se inspiră din acestea, fiind proiecția unui motiv des întâlnit în basme: lupta dintre bine și rău.

Ratingurile serialului au scăzut treptat în ultimii ani, iar mutarea de anul acesta în grila de vineri nu a fost una de bun augur precum şi-au imaginat oficialii postului la acel moment. Pe lângă asta, o mare parte din actorii distribuţiei originale au părăsit serialul în sezonul 7, Once revenind în această toamnă cu o reimaginare a unor poveşti deja spuse şi cu un Henry adult. Contrar cifrelor înregistrate, per ansamblu şi o dată cu difuzarea episoadelor, fanii s-au arătat încântaţi de calitatea poveştii şi a episoadelor noi.

Once Upon a Time revine cu noi episoade începând cu 2 martie, finalul serialului urmând a fi difuzat în luna mai. În România, primele şase sezoane pot fi vizionate integral pe platform Netflix.

– Edward Kitsis şi Adam Horowitz, creatori şi producători executivi Once:
“Seven years ago, we set out to create a show about hope, where even in the darkest of times, a happy ending would always be possible. But we never imagined the happy ending that was actually in store for all of us — years and years of adventure, romance, magic and hope. We’re so grateful to our brilliant collaborators – the cast, crew, and writers — as well as our partners at the studio and network for making this journey possible. But most of all, we want to thank the fans. Their fierce loyalty and devotion was the real magic behind Once Upon A Time. We hope they join us for these last few hours as we journey to the Enchanted Forrest for one more adventure.”

– Channing Dungey, preşedinte ABC Entertainment:
“When we first heard Adam and Eddy’s pitch for Once Upon a Time, we knew it was something incredibly special. For seven years, they have captivated us with their creativity and passion while reimagining some of our most beloved Disney fairytales, creating an undeniable global hit. Saying goodbye will be bittersweet, but Once Upon a Time’ will forever be part of the ABC legacy and we can’t wait for fans to join us in this epic final chapter.”

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I’ll never forget the day I walked in to audition as Evil Queen Regina for Eddy and Adam. I was wearing all black (of course) and had this crazy, dreadlock looking wrap draped over my shoulders. I had no idea where this pilot was going to go but I knew it was something special. I walked out of the audition room and down the hall was an old photograph of the OG Evil Queen herself. I knew then, something magical was about to begin. It’s been 7 years now and I couldn’t be prouder of what we all have created. Adam and Eddy had this crazy idea in their minds years ago and it turned into a fantastical phenomenon. This show has touched so many people’s lives, changed them for the better, has inspired us to grow in ways we never could’ve imagined. It’s brought hope, joy, friendships and love to so many. I am lucky and blessed to have been a part of it for 7 years. I want to thank the cast, our incredibly, hard working crew and the writers for your dedication and hard work over the years. Thank you to the studio and network for believing in us, supporting us and giving us a home to tell our stories. But most importantly, I want to thank our fans. We honestly wouldn’t be here without your love, support and loyalty to ONCE. Thank you for standing by us all of these years. We hope we’ve made you proud and that the magic this show has brought in to your lives never dies. Thank you for all you’ve given back to us in return and always remember to keep that magic alive. Signed with love, respect, gratitude and honor, Lana ❤️ #OUAT 🙏

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